Instructions Instructions Form1 List1 Text1 ExitButton Close Fileopener NameToUse RecordLen READFILE FileNUM OpenerError7 Action FileErrors errValA msgType MB_ICONEXCLAMATIONQ ERR_DEVICEUNAVAILABLE ERR_DISKNOTREADY ERR_DEVICEIO ERR_DISKFULL Err_BADFILENAMEM ERR_BADFILENAMEORNUMBER ERR_PATHDOESNOTEXIST ERR_BADFILEMODE ERR_FILEALREADYOPEN ERR_INPUTPASTENDOFFILE response ExitButton_Clickv INSTRUCTIONS @ Form_LoadA Openfile WorkingFileName Windir OpenMode ReadError NextLine LineFromFile LIST1 Form_Paint AUTOREDRAW Frame2 Height Width Frame List1_GotFocus Exitbutton Fileopener FileErrors That device appears unavailable. Insert a disk in the drive and close the door. Internal disk error. Disk is full. Continue? That filename is illegal." That path doesn't exist. Can't open your file for that type of access." This file is already open" This file has a nonstandard end-of-file marker, or an attempt was made to read beyond the end-of-file marker." Disk Error ExitButton_Click Form_Load Openfile \SYS2.TXT" Sorry your file is too large to edit." File Too Big Form_Paint List1_GotFocus